Gérard Abiton

Gérard Abiton joined, at 16 years old, the Conservatoire Supérieur National de Musique de Paris (CNSMDP) in Alexander Lagoya's class and studied harmony and  counterpoint with Alain Truchot. He also attended the summer classes of Andres Segovia (Spain), Abel Carlevaro (Uruguay), and John Williams (Australia/Great Britain). In  1990 and 1991, he completed his training by attending the baroque interpretation classes of Herve Niquet, the Musical Director of the Concert Spirituel.

His first teacher was the guitarist and tenor Christian Jean. This encounter has durably influenced Gerard Abiton's musical and aesthetic direction, in particular in the transition from natural expression to the performance of the guitar.

In 1981, Gerard Abiton won the 37th International Contest of Musical Execution of Geneva (Switzerland) and the "Franck Martin" special price from the Musicians Association of Geneva. In  1983, he became the winner of the Georges Cziffra Association.

The practice of arrangement has always been an important part of the musical world of Gérard Abiton. His desire to expand the repertoire of the guitar led him to write many adaptations for its instrument (J.S. Bach, F. Couperin, A. Forqueray, J. Duphly, J. Haydn, F. Mendelssohn, E. Granados, I. Albeniz, J. Rodrigo etc.).

Gérard Abiton's repertoire is eclectic, with a certain tendency for the  first half XXth century's music as bears his recordings devoted to the composers M.M. Ponce, J. Turina, F. Mompou, F.M. Torroba, J. Rodrigo and D. Scarlatti.

Many composers have dedicated works to him: J.C. Wolff, P. Leroux, G. Iglesia, R. Campo, Y. Krier, A. Margoni, M. Delaistier, T. Brenet, B. Piris, G. Drozd, R. Creuse, J-D. Krynen, S. Assad, D. Bogdanovic etc.

Between 2010 and 2020 he teaches at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional and the Pôle Supérieur de Paris (France), and he regularly sits at juries of nationals and international contests.